An empty place of rest

When I began my journey out by the barn, I found myself standing before a collection of benches with a wheelbarrow nearby. I rested here after my long walk, and I was surprised not to see a single person. It may have just been the wrong season, or perhaps the wrong time of day. Still, considering this was the area for students studying botany, I found the lack of people jarring compared to the amount of people at the RC center.


Not far from the rest area, was this peace pole. Despite how weathered it was, its message was clear as day. I discovered later that these peace poles are erected all around the world, advocating the oneness of humanity and a world of peace. It made me wonder how long this pole was here for, who put it here, and why it hasn't been maintained.

From up on campus hill

After making my way out to the center of campus, I climbed up the large hill outside the COM and SC buildings. Looking out from this vantage point, I was able to really take in the sheer amount of pathways and buildings. It made me wonder how many students stood on this hill, and the different landscapes they witnessed.

Have you seen this man?

Ever since I first saw this effigy of a man walking on the COM building, I've wondered about its origins. It may be representing something about its students or education as a whole, but considering the fact they chose to depict what seems to be a cis white man, I wonder what that says about the unconcious bias of the ones involved in creating it.

Thank you.

Thank you for listening to my showcase. I'll admit I was a little nervous, but I've learned a lot about myself.